Sunday, November 2, 2008



Loni said...

Brooke, your boys look so cute! Did you do the make-up? It's fantastic!! And I love that your mom dressed up too! She looks cute with all her grand kids!
I love to see that you are using your blog, have you caught the blogging bug? Yah!

EmMaLeE said...

Cute!!!! What happened 2 lochlons eye? It looks like it hurts! :) well it looks like they had fun! miss ya guys a lot! see ya soon i hope! :D


Jason and Lesley said...

Looks like you guys had fun! I miss seeing you guys- I hope everything is going well. How are you feeling these days? I'm so excited for you! Keep in touch!

Lily said...

The make-up is awesome!

Cansas said...

Ha! You're mom makes me laugh. So cute! Great make-up job! I'm impressed.